Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Monday, January 12, 2015


"And then a sound filled the night, in the cold winter air...and as he looked towards the earth, for the source of the sound, on that cold winter night, it was pulling him down." -Trans-Siberian Orchestra
(I love that Album. I've listened to it every day for the past week. ...Don't judge me.)

Okeydokey, so it has been a long burger-flipping time! ...I think. Frankly, I can't even really remember yesterday, so I can't say for certain. REGARDLESS! OFF TO SUMMARY!

After a long period without a single Frecca story, I began to draw curious as to why they'd all ceased. I worried deeply that perhaps I was somehow losing my utter gorgeousness...so, to discover the root of the problem, I questioned Elder Thibault (pronounced Tibo) what he thought of the matter. Almost immediatly, he responded that a large chunk of it is most likely due to the fact that I've probably adjusted to such. ...I thought about it, and realized that he's right. Also, another notation (as the Frecca experiences now are indeed less extreme than the fist few were) could be due to the fast that I've lost a lost of my Gringoness/Greenieness. EXPERIENCE NOW LINES MY SMILING EYES! *Puffs out chest and straightens tie*

...Nevertheless, I do have a Frecca story. We were teaching this family, and these two random women (neighbors, I believe) accompanied us. As we were about to start teaching, the two of them began asking questions that were just laced with the Frecca.
"Are you married?"
"No, we're missionaries."
"But do you have a girlfriend here?"
"No, we're missionaries."
"You can't have a girlfriend as a missionary?"
"But what if someone interests you while you're here? Would you come back for them and marry them?"
"What do you do if you start falling in love with someone?"
"I stop teaching them."
"What do you do if someone steals a kiss from you?"
"I stop teaching them."
"But what if God tells you that you should go back to teach them and that it's okay to fall in love with them?"
"He wouldn't do that."

Stayci (our investigator closest to baptism) progresses insanely quickly! We left the Word of Wisdom (the LDS Law of Health) for her to read (with intention to teach it next time), and she told us that she was already living it; she gave up coffee as soon as she started coming to church. ...WHY CAN'T ALL INVESTIGATORS BE AS GLORIOUS AS HER?!?! :D
Also, something I'd never before noticed, but Stayci was actually the blessing/response to a lot of prayers and one specific act of fasting. In this aformentioned fast, we prayed to find someone that would progress well, and actually come to church. That some Sunday, a brother in the Ward told us about a reference he had for us (which was Stayci). The Sunday following that, she came to church, and hasn't missed a day since. 

Oh, and I have Five Months out now. No big deal. *Dances merrily in place*

Paz y Amor!
-Elder Jones


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