Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Twenty Three and a Day!

Dum-dum dum dum, dum-dum dum dum, dum-dum dum dum, dumdumdumdumdum dum-dum dum dum, dum-dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum DOO WEE DOOOOOOOOO, BOWOOOO...*Doctor Who Theme continues*

Wow! That was an utterly EXHAUSTING week! I'm practically sleeping as I type this! Nah, I'm just messing...I'm actually sleeping. I'm extremely skilled in the art of sleep/writing. If any of you have ever wondered why I'm so random sometimes...it's because I'm actually sleeping. Good blueberries, right?

ALRIGHT! Set aside all of that nonsense. *Feverishly pounds the backspace key to erase the horrible joke*

Random tidbits! This past Monday (that feels super weird to say in English), we journeyed down to Santo Domingo for some shopperying, then feasted upon Wendy's. I almost screamed with joy. The funny thing is, Wendy's is a bit flipped here. In the States, people are always dressed super causal whenever they venture there. Here, The people who eat there are all dressed up and fancy, as the food there is a bit more expensive, therefore, only the uppity dare to tread there. ...Okay, a slight exaggeration, but it's sort of like that.

The teaching here goes spectacularly, and we've been blessed to see the fruits of our labors (and more importantly because of the presence of the Holy Spirit). We've had several new investigators come to church, all of which look extremely promising.

AH! And we challenged a family to baptism! We've been teaching them for a while, and they've said that they can definitely feel a difference when we are there/teaching. OH! BUT THAT'S NOT THE BEST PART! The last time we passed by, they told us that they'd decided to start praying together as Husband and Wife so as to receive the answer! AND WE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO TELL THEM TO DO THAT! I MEAN, WE WERE GOING TO, BUT THEY JUST DID IT ANYWAY! THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT!

Every person has their mountains in life that they have to climb. I recently faced one of these moments...and succeeded. My mountain is known as: The Marianchita.
It was a excursion of about 8-9 hours, but probably could have been shorter...if we hadn't gotten lost on the way back down. Heh heh. We lost the trail (there really isn't much of a trail at all) while descending, and spent a bit of time trying to search for it again. Acting on a prompting, we decided to pray to as to receive illumination with regards to the location of the trail. After such, we all mutually agreed that the wisest course of action was to ascend to the top once again and try to re-follow the path once again. The tricky part, however, was to find a way back to the top. However, due to a Heavenly miracle, we quickly encountered the point where we had truly lost our way, followed it back to the top, then descended once again in safety. Glorious.
The photos were good too! One is of the mountain itself, while the other was our view. That's Villa Altagracia over there! I WORK THERE!

The work is tough, and it takes tough people to get it done! *Flexes Spaghetti Arms*
- Elder Jones

So, This is the mountain we climbed...   The Marianchita

And this is what it looked like from the top. I work there!

Here's another skyview of Villa Altagracia

A glorious sideshot of Elder MK

That would be Elder Indiana Jones and the Abandoned House of Some Rich Dude.
Sergio Vargas, I believe


Here we are with Stayci and two members! (Stayci is the one to the left.)


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