Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Monday, January 26, 2015

Twenty and a Fourth! ...Okay, that doesn't exactly work...umm...24. LIKE THE HOURS IN A DAY! Nailed it.

*Rolls in on a Segway*
"They see me rollin'...they laughin'...it's all because I'm White and Nerdy..."

Wei wei wei! WEI! Ah, can you feel the freshness of that Dominican Breeze? ...Neither can we. We're indoors, and I'm dying of heat. :D

Transfers come soon! Elder Thibault received a call from the President of the Mission, President Nuckols, and was asked to be the Zone Leader in a chunk of Santo Domingo known as Independencia. I was informed that it's to be my role to say here in the gorgeous hills of Villa Altagracia, and that my next companion is to be called Elder Sullivan. According to Thibault (as Elder Sullivan is actually from the same group as Thibault), my next comp is a glorious missionary, as well as a thinker. And he's Asian. From Canada. And speaks awesome Spanish. A PERFECT MIX! I'll be seeing him tomorrow when the transfers actually go down!

There's this four-year old kid who lives by the church;whenever he sees us, he screams: "AMIGO!" in a rather high voice. However, this past week, we've had two rather comical encounters with this same little kid. Earlier in the week, we were walking down the street, when a car passed by and we heard the shriek of, "AMIGO!" We looked, and saw that our amigo was in the back of the car, waving excitedly at us. We laughed a bit after that. The immediate day after, we were teaching a lesson, and went to introduce ourselves.
"Hola, I'm Elder Thibault."
"And I'm Elder Jones. Elder is a title from the Bible, which means-" "AMIGO!"
We turned, and there he was, literally right next to us! He shook our hands/fist bumped us, then told the people we were teaching, "These guys are my Brothers"
. ...We were only a bit stunned. :D

Ah, and how could I forget? You guys remember Stayci, right? I mentioned her about an eternity ago, I believe. Anyway, she got baptized. Yeah.
*Dances in place madly* So pancake-flipping happy...
It's a joy really unlike any other. After so much rejection and so much labor, the fruit of our efforts is a sweetness almost beyond anything I can describe. It's truly glorious. THE POWER OF PRAYER!!!

It's utterly glorious here in Villa! There are always trials, but they help us to really see the beauty of the sweetness! It's like a Dominican Hot Chocolate: in order to really taste the sugar, you have to add a pinch of salt! (It's weird, but it works. No joke.)

And now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go save some souls. LUIGI JUMP AWAY!

-Elder Jones

Us with Stayci befor her Baptism!



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