Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Monday, January 26, 2015

Twenty and a Fourth! ...Okay, that doesn't exactly work...umm...24. LIKE THE HOURS IN A DAY! Nailed it.

*Rolls in on a Segway*
"They see me rollin'...they laughin'...it's all because I'm White and Nerdy..."

Wei wei wei! WEI! Ah, can you feel the freshness of that Dominican Breeze? ...Neither can we. We're indoors, and I'm dying of heat. :D

Transfers come soon! Elder Thibault received a call from the President of the Mission, President Nuckols, and was asked to be the Zone Leader in a chunk of Santo Domingo known as Independencia. I was informed that it's to be my role to say here in the gorgeous hills of Villa Altagracia, and that my next companion is to be called Elder Sullivan. According to Thibault (as Elder Sullivan is actually from the same group as Thibault), my next comp is a glorious missionary, as well as a thinker. And he's Asian. From Canada. And speaks awesome Spanish. A PERFECT MIX! I'll be seeing him tomorrow when the transfers actually go down!

There's this four-year old kid who lives by the church;whenever he sees us, he screams: "AMIGO!" in a rather high voice. However, this past week, we've had two rather comical encounters with this same little kid. Earlier in the week, we were walking down the street, when a car passed by and we heard the shriek of, "AMIGO!" We looked, and saw that our amigo was in the back of the car, waving excitedly at us. We laughed a bit after that. The immediate day after, we were teaching a lesson, and went to introduce ourselves.
"Hola, I'm Elder Thibault."
"And I'm Elder Jones. Elder is a title from the Bible, which means-" "AMIGO!"
We turned, and there he was, literally right next to us! He shook our hands/fist bumped us, then told the people we were teaching, "These guys are my Brothers"
. ...We were only a bit stunned. :D

Ah, and how could I forget? You guys remember Stayci, right? I mentioned her about an eternity ago, I believe. Anyway, she got baptized. Yeah.
*Dances in place madly* So pancake-flipping happy...
It's a joy really unlike any other. After so much rejection and so much labor, the fruit of our efforts is a sweetness almost beyond anything I can describe. It's truly glorious. THE POWER OF PRAYER!!!

It's utterly glorious here in Villa! There are always trials, but they help us to really see the beauty of the sweetness! It's like a Dominican Hot Chocolate: in order to really taste the sugar, you have to add a pinch of salt! (It's weird, but it works. No joke.)

And now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go save some souls. LUIGI JUMP AWAY!

-Elder Jones

Us with Stayci befor her Baptism!



Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Twenty Three and a Day!

Dum-dum dum dum, dum-dum dum dum, dum-dum dum dum, dumdumdumdumdum dum-dum dum dum, dum-dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum DOO WEE DOOOOOOOOO, BOWOOOO...*Doctor Who Theme continues*

Wow! That was an utterly EXHAUSTING week! I'm practically sleeping as I type this! Nah, I'm just messing...I'm actually sleeping. I'm extremely skilled in the art of sleep/writing. If any of you have ever wondered why I'm so random sometimes...it's because I'm actually sleeping. Good blueberries, right?

ALRIGHT! Set aside all of that nonsense. *Feverishly pounds the backspace key to erase the horrible joke*

Random tidbits! This past Monday (that feels super weird to say in English), we journeyed down to Santo Domingo for some shopperying, then feasted upon Wendy's. I almost screamed with joy. The funny thing is, Wendy's is a bit flipped here. In the States, people are always dressed super causal whenever they venture there. Here, The people who eat there are all dressed up and fancy, as the food there is a bit more expensive, therefore, only the uppity dare to tread there. ...Okay, a slight exaggeration, but it's sort of like that.

The teaching here goes spectacularly, and we've been blessed to see the fruits of our labors (and more importantly because of the presence of the Holy Spirit). We've had several new investigators come to church, all of which look extremely promising.

AH! And we challenged a family to baptism! We've been teaching them for a while, and they've said that they can definitely feel a difference when we are there/teaching. OH! BUT THAT'S NOT THE BEST PART! The last time we passed by, they told us that they'd decided to start praying together as Husband and Wife so as to receive the answer! AND WE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO TELL THEM TO DO THAT! I MEAN, WE WERE GOING TO, BUT THEY JUST DID IT ANYWAY! THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT!

Every person has their mountains in life that they have to climb. I recently faced one of these moments...and succeeded. My mountain is known as: The Marianchita.
It was a excursion of about 8-9 hours, but probably could have been shorter...if we hadn't gotten lost on the way back down. Heh heh. We lost the trail (there really isn't much of a trail at all) while descending, and spent a bit of time trying to search for it again. Acting on a prompting, we decided to pray to as to receive illumination with regards to the location of the trail. After such, we all mutually agreed that the wisest course of action was to ascend to the top once again and try to re-follow the path once again. The tricky part, however, was to find a way back to the top. However, due to a Heavenly miracle, we quickly encountered the point where we had truly lost our way, followed it back to the top, then descended once again in safety. Glorious.
The photos were good too! One is of the mountain itself, while the other was our view. That's Villa Altagracia over there! I WORK THERE!

The work is tough, and it takes tough people to get it done! *Flexes Spaghetti Arms*
- Elder Jones

So, This is the mountain we climbed...   The Marianchita

And this is what it looked like from the top. I work there!

Here's another skyview of Villa Altagracia

A glorious sideshot of Elder MK

That would be Elder Indiana Jones and the Abandoned House of Some Rich Dude.
Sergio Vargas, I believe


Here we are with Stayci and two members! (Stayci is the one to the left.)


Tuesday, January 13, 2015


We get a decent bit of rain here. Just a little. That strip of brown is fast moving rain water.

Monday, January 12, 2015


The glee is one part because Lucky Charms are my favorite cereal, and the other because it's impossible to find anything even remotely close to it here (not even the knock off stuff!) It came in a package from Aunt Julie and Nate! I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!

Elder Thibault... AKA... Agent T

Jealous yet? ;-)

Missionaries forget how to smile??

Some good DR peeps. Apparently, one really wants you to notice his tie. :)

Service on New Year's Day. No better way to spend the day. :)

Dominican Soda! ...Note that I'm in a Spanish Speaking country...and the label is in English.

Elder Jones when exercising! I draw deeper energy with aid from the band upon my head.

This kid makes me smile every time I see the box. -MK


"And then a sound filled the night, in the cold winter air...and as he looked towards the earth, for the source of the sound, on that cold winter night, it was pulling him down." -Trans-Siberian Orchestra
(I love that Album. I've listened to it every day for the past week. ...Don't judge me.)

Okeydokey, so it has been a long burger-flipping time! ...I think. Frankly, I can't even really remember yesterday, so I can't say for certain. REGARDLESS! OFF TO SUMMARY!

After a long period without a single Frecca story, I began to draw curious as to why they'd all ceased. I worried deeply that perhaps I was somehow losing my utter gorgeousness...so, to discover the root of the problem, I questioned Elder Thibault (pronounced Tibo) what he thought of the matter. Almost immediatly, he responded that a large chunk of it is most likely due to the fact that I've probably adjusted to such. ...I thought about it, and realized that he's right. Also, another notation (as the Frecca experiences now are indeed less extreme than the fist few were) could be due to the fast that I've lost a lost of my Gringoness/Greenieness. EXPERIENCE NOW LINES MY SMILING EYES! *Puffs out chest and straightens tie*

...Nevertheless, I do have a Frecca story. We were teaching this family, and these two random women (neighbors, I believe) accompanied us. As we were about to start teaching, the two of them began asking questions that were just laced with the Frecca.
"Are you married?"
"No, we're missionaries."
"But do you have a girlfriend here?"
"No, we're missionaries."
"You can't have a girlfriend as a missionary?"
"But what if someone interests you while you're here? Would you come back for them and marry them?"
"What do you do if you start falling in love with someone?"
"I stop teaching them."
"What do you do if someone steals a kiss from you?"
"I stop teaching them."
"But what if God tells you that you should go back to teach them and that it's okay to fall in love with them?"
"He wouldn't do that."

Stayci (our investigator closest to baptism) progresses insanely quickly! We left the Word of Wisdom (the LDS Law of Health) for her to read (with intention to teach it next time), and she told us that she was already living it; she gave up coffee as soon as she started coming to church. ...WHY CAN'T ALL INVESTIGATORS BE AS GLORIOUS AS HER?!?! :D
Also, something I'd never before noticed, but Stayci was actually the blessing/response to a lot of prayers and one specific act of fasting. In this aformentioned fast, we prayed to find someone that would progress well, and actually come to church. That some Sunday, a brother in the Ward told us about a reference he had for us (which was Stayci). The Sunday following that, she came to church, and hasn't missed a day since. 

Oh, and I have Five Months out now. No big deal. *Dances merrily in place*

Paz y Amor!
-Elder Jones


Monday, January 5, 2015

Week...Umm...Ah, Flip My Pancakes; I Can't Remember. 21? Sure, Why Not!

GUYS! Geez, stop crying. I know, you missed me for more than a week; I get that; I understand. There's no need to weep. *Moves to brush tears away* ...Okay, sorry, there's a computer screen in the way. Maybe next year. ;D

ALRIGHTY THEN! Well, that was a glorious flip of the pages! I've now entered into what the Momo Missionaries call the "Año Negro" (Black Year, for you Gringos out there ;P  ). It is called such because it is the year for which I will not see my family for its entirety. ...But, because I'm a Dneek (Dorky Nerdy Geek, for those of you who have not had a chance to read the "Dictionary of MKzing Words And Phrses" [totally going to make that someday]), I started a glorious revolution and changed it to "Año Blanco" (White Year), as it's a year spent entirely in the service of The Lord. TAKE THAT, PESSIMISTS! HA! *Shuffles in place*

Man, so many experiences...so many stories...so much to share...and for the life of me I can't really recall any of it. :D

Dominicans celebrate Christmas slightly different that the way we do back in the States. It's sort of like Christmas was a pad of butter that was spread generously over a delicious plot of bread (mmmm...). The herald of this hectic holiday is known as "Noche Buena" (Good Night), which is a night of feasting (sort of like Thanksgiving, just a month behind). Because of such, we missionaries had to be inside a bit earlier than normal, as drinking often accompaies this celebration...and nothing says "target" more than a couple of well dressed youth with heavy bags. Yeah. So, we chilled inside starting at 8PM for a change. We were going to celebrate the Noche Buena with our neighbors (Dominga and her family, for those of you whom I Skyped)...but they started a bit later than planned...like at 11:30PM. :D

THEN CHRISTMAS! Like excited little children, Elder Thibault and I tore open our Christmas packages, then basked in the glory of these little chunks of home. After a time, we cascaded and met up with a swarm of missionaries from our Zone, watched "Frozen" in Spanish, performed a Tie Swap, then rolled home for the main event...the Skype Calling of our families. *Crowd roars with excitement.* Indeed a rather glorious event! Through means of technological wonders, a temporary wormhole divided asunder the boundries of time and space, thus bringing my family to me, and I, to them (to clarify, we Skyped).

A week later, we came upon another likewise marvelous day, in which like a Time Lord, the year would perish but regenerate anew. However, New Year's Eve carries a bit more danger than the Noche Buena, as the celebration is a  bit more...insane. For those of you who have read FableHaven, it's a bit like the Midsummer's Eve Festival. When the last few hours of the year begin to fall, firearms are randomly discharged, cannons like dragons breathe flames, and bonfires are set ablaze at intersections throughout the land. Oh, and there's a LOT of drinking, which just adds to the insanity. So, like the antepenultimate holiday, we needed to be inside, at the latest, 8PM. We passed the time by playing cards and enjoying the remnants of our Christmas Packages, until about 10:30PM when we called it a night (mission rules). However, we set an alarm for about 11:45PM, so as to actually behold the passing of the year. ...I also discovered a hidden superpower that I'd never before known that I held, which is to enter into a state of sleep so powerful that all external disturbances cannot bring me back to conciousness. With all of the madness outside (gunshots, explosions, insanely loud music, evangelists going crazy, random people screaming/laughing), my brain finally activated this superhuman state of unconciousness...insomuch that Elder Thibault shouting my name and shining a mini-sun in my face did not so much as even cause me to stir (Elder Thibault actually thought I died or something, as he shouted my name about 15 times without any response). ...Then I randomly awoke at 11:58PM without any cause whatsoever. I guess my brain's just stubborn? :D

We'd a cool experience two days ago, when we were talking with an investigator named Stayci (who's progressed insanely, absurdly, and gloriously fast). We posed the question as to what's really motivating her, so as to be sure that such is for the right reasons (and not just because I'm maddeningly attractive  ;D    ). She told us her story (which was glorious on its own), and related how she'd a friend from Santiago who used to be a missionary, and how he'd really motivated her to learn more about the church (and was always inviting her to activites and whatnot). The part that Elder Thibault and I freaked out about was when she told us that she'd been trying to find out when the church had its services, and how she saw us once walking by the school (where she was, at that moment) and from the third floor shouted after us and asked us when the church opened. After we told her, she said, "Cool! I'll go!" 
When she related this part of the tale, Elder Thibault and I freaked out with glorious nostalgia, as we recalled that selfsame moment, but didn't ever know that the girl who called to us and the girl we were now teaching were in fact one and the same. We gloried in seeing the fruit of that long forgotten moment, and how spectacular it was to finally behold. Truly, it was a glorious blessing.

Alright, now with regards to the handwritten letters! I want all of you to know that I am indeed (and have been for a while) working on responses to that which I have recieved, but it's a slow going process. At this moment, I am still sculpting a letter to the Brasil Family (it's been almost a month), but near to its completion. I wanted to make sure that you all know that I'm indeed writing you. IT JUST TAKES SO LONG!!! :D

Here's a game to pass the time: count how many times I said "glorious" in this letter. ;D

Feliz Nuevo Año! (Happy New Year!)
-Elder Jonesy