Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Change! (But not the kind you keep in a piggybank!)

I know, you've all been having trouble sleeping these past several days because the weekly letter of MK was not delivered on time. It's okay, I cried a little too. (JUST ONE TEAR. AND THEN IT SPLIT INTO TWO PIECES, FELL TO THE EARTH, AND BROUGHT FORTH A BEUATIFUL GARDEN OF SOUR GUMMI WORMS AND CHOW MEIN. TRUE STORY.)

Just a note, all future MK emails shall be reponded to/sent out on Mondays. Your least favorite day is now your favorite day. ;P

Okay! Wow, there's a lot to talk about, and not a lot of time! Wooh...where do I start...*rolls shoulders*

I'm now in my first area, which is known by most as Villa Altagracia (and known by the rest as Disneyland, but no one listens to them). I'll be forthright, the work is challenging. Quite truly, serving a mission is literally the most challenging thing I've ever done in my life. But, as with every trial, there come blessings. I've never slept so well in my life! And I've gained a magnificently deeper relationship with the Lord. I can testify with ever fiber of my being that if we turn to Him in our lowest points, He can and will give us the strength to endure the refiner's fire.

But you're here for storytime! Well, let's see...

I've begun a war that will only end in death. While I am strong, I am greatly outnumbered. Only at my peak will I be able to annhiliate my foes. Yes, I speak of the ants. Our apartment has several (million) ants that enjoy frolicking in our kitchen. Howevewer, I have taken drastic measures to ensure that their civilization ends in ruin. (I put down piles of Corn Meal, which apparently causes their stomachs to explode.) MUHAHAHAHA *cough cough*...

Also, there was a Baptism in our area! A woman by the name of Cinthia had been taught by the missionaries before me for a time, and her baptismal date was set up for just after I arrived. (I'm so awesome at being a missionary, people get baptized without my having to teach them! [Totally kidding. I wish it was easier to detect sarcasm in plain written words.])

Woah! Okay, I am basically out of time. Let's see...funny short notes...

We were out contacting, and went toi start talking to this guy, but he was...umm...*blushes*...urinating when we sent forth our salutations, which was prior unknown to us.
I sampled a Domican "burger", of a sort, known as a "Chimi". (Not to be confused with a "Chimicanga".)

Sleeping under mosquito nets is a new experience, but I've adjusted quickly to it.

I've been making comics! I'll try to send some home when I can.

The past several weeks alone have changed me so much. It's amazing to see what the Lord can do with our lives when we place ourselves in His service! When I get back though, it's going to be weird readjusting...

That's all I can squeeze for now (not referring to hugs, although I do miss those)!

Peace, Love, Unity, Serenity!
Stay well-hydrated, my friends!

-Elder Jones

MAILING ADDRESS (will be updated to the right of the blog, under his handsome mug, as often as possible)

Brought forth by popular demand, here it is! The beautiful MKzing Dominican Republic Mailing address! Send all of your papery whatchamajigs here!

Elder McKay Jones
Misión Santo Domingo Oeste
C/ Hatuey #73
URB. Los Cacicazgos, Santo Domingo
Republica Dominicana

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