Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Most Magical Number of All! (7, For Those of You Not Paying Attention)

Jiggly-Jumbo-Jello, it's time to say HELLO!

The weeks have indeed begun to increase in their speed. A wise man once said: "The MTC is the longest part of the mission, the first six weeks in the field are the hardest part, but after that, it all just sort of blurs by." (That may or may not have been me just catolouging what others have said. Heh heh.)

One of our main focuses these past few days has been that of service. In serveral of our meetings, we've offered to help them with literally anything (within ethical reason), but so far...nothing. WE SHALL PRESS ON, however! Huzzah!

While out and about, we encountered a woman who actually spoke English! And, even cooler, she wanted us to TEACH her IN ENGLISH! The lesson was indeed an immensly powerful, and the Spirit was definetly present. Elder Thibault ironically struggled a bit, as he's taught so much in Spanish, he's not at all accustomed to doing so in English! :D

In other news, another investigator of ours, by the name of Victoria, came to General Conference for one of the sessions! I had to do everthing in my power not to scream for joy. (If any of you have seen "The Best Two Years", I'm essentially Elder Calhoun.)

I want to personally testify that it is through our challenges that The Lord shapes us into someone immensely more amazing and powerful. I've seen this in 7 1/2 weeks in the field; IMAGINE what 2 years will do!

I'm squeezed for time (the computer I'm using is really really slow), and I can't seem to find any other stories off the top of my head, so I suppose I'll bid a fond farewell for now!

Peace out, mis amigos! (Including my MTC friends who are seeing this! I'll try to have a joke of the week sent out for you next week!)
Van con Dios!

-Elder Jones

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