Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Este es la semana de cuatro. *DUN DUN DUNNNNN!!!*

*Lightning rains down from the sky, transforming a beautiful patch of roses into a flaming column of glorious glory. From the flames steps a gleaming white figure, his tie twisting like a feathered serpent in the wind. He smiles, and the sun glints off his teeth, then subsequently his name-tag, emblazoned with the title "Elder Jones".*

Hello! It is I! And I'm back with more theatrics than ever before!! Muhahahahaha!

This has been a rather jelly-filled doughnut of a week! So squished have been the events therein, and so sweet has been the time that has held it all together! Let's see...notes, notes, thoughts and things... 

On Friday, it was our intent to pop over to la universidad to speak with the students regarding our message of Christ. ...Note how I said it was our INTENT to. Unfortunately, they'd a bit of a strike over yonder, so the area wasn't exactly hospitable for Momos. Or for anyone, actually. But all is well, for we simply altered the forces of time and changed the university trip to WEDNESDAY!!!

On Tuesday, all of the properly seasoned MTC veterans traversed away to their own areas, peppered and salted to the brim with all of the words and teachings that you can squeeze inside six weeks of language training. (Or perhaps a bit more. MTC TIME TARDIS!!!) It's felt odd and empty without them. Sort of like when you're a senior in high school; all of the upperclassmen before you are suddenly gone, and you realize that it's your turn. Fascinating, really.

Hmm...what else...my companion, Elder Harsh, has acquired what the ancients of old (that's redundant) labeled as "Strep Throat". We gave him a blessing, and he's been doing a bucketload better. Miracles of The Lord!

Also in the regards of aforementioned mentionings, we skipped over to the university yesterday, so as to fulfill that which has been unfulfilled. Because of my companion's less than enjoyable condition, he stayed back with another Elder who's been feeling under the weather likewise. So, to satisfy the demands of justice, the sick Elder's companion, Elder Bell, and I were united in a new Fellowship. The university was glorious (and hot), and basically everyone we talked to (with the exception of a few) seemed legitimately interested in our message, so much that they gave us their information so that "real" missionaries could teach them more. Exciting! (And even the ones that weren't interested were still extremely polite about such. Caribbean Canada!)

Anything else...ooh! Don't tell anyone, but tonight, Santa and Rudolph are going to introduce themselves to the new missionaries. It's Christmas (Preparation Day, the missionary's equivalent of such), so why not? :D

The Lord has given me many experiences these past few weeks, and through struggles He has and continues to refine me into a greater person than I've ever been before. At times it's tough, but I know that through our Lord, Jesus Christ, all things are possible. Woo!

I love you all! Stay classy, and eat your greens! (That includes lettuce, kale, and lime Skittles! 

-Elder Jones

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