Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 35, I think? Umm...I've no flippin' idea. (*Mom knows- it's week 36 ;-D)

GREETINGS FROM THE LAND OF RICE AND BEANS! The glorious and gorgeous (and humble) Elder Jones is back to tell y'alls what's what! YEEEAH!

And now, I go to my journal so I can remember what the poop happened this last week.

The Transfers are in, and ELDER SERRATY WILL BE LEAVING MY SIDE FOREVERMORE! *Weeps bitterly*
It hurts, I know.
On the bright side, I'M GOING TO BE A STEP-FATHER AGAIN!! WOO!! His name is Elder Peterson...and he's actually the Trainee of one of the Zone Leaders. Yeah. He's going to be in the same Zone for his second comp/area. WACK! But dope, nonetheless.

I GOT SICK THIS WEEK! Tuesday eve, I twas out walking, whenst I felt upon my knecaps a lack of energy. Mine corpse though filled with life twas now reeling under the weight of a great nothingness. We retreated to our yonder abode, where I fell into a light slumber for the space of ten hours. When the following day dawned, I still lacked wholeness, so I thus aboded in my abode for the space of another day. It twas indeed a moment of great suffering and great sorrow. 

The dog downstairs went crazy when we went down to visit Marica (our neighbor), because we were clad in street clothes in the place of our normal missionary garb. She didn't recognize us dresed differently! (It should be noted that the dog is a chiwawa, so the spectacle was more hilarious than anything).

We made PIZZA! IT WAS GLORIOUS! AGAIN! (I'd make it every Sunday here if I could...but our oven doesn't work. No pizza is better than dying in a grand explosion, right? [Did that make grammatical sense?])

And now, a spiritual experience. For the past little while, I'd been trying to understand as to exactly why I didn't feel joy here in the mission, and why the work didn't feel satisfying. I could remember feeling happiness in the mission before, so what had changed? I pondered and prayed over this for a while, and the answer came to me during Church this last Sunday (Church attendance = personal revelation!). I suddenly remembered two quotes from the past, which tied together perfectly. The first was of my mother: "Attitude is Everything."
And the second was from a personal experience that occured in the MTC. When Elder Hugo Martinez of the Second Quorum Seventy visited us, we, at the end, shook his hand. When my turn came, he said to me, "The thing that will make the biggest difference will be your smile."
At that time, I thought he was talking about that it would make the biggest difference to my investigators, but this last Sunday, I realized that it applied mostly to me. Here was the key! The smile! Smile when you're angry, and your anger melts away. Smile when you're tired, and you're filled with energy. Smile when you're sad or lonely, and the feelings break apart. Your mind becomes clear, and you take a fresh, clearer perspective on the situation. Since that moment, I've felt full of joy and optimism for the work, and it has indeed been greatly more satisfying. God answers every prayer! At times, He asks us to have patience and wait for His answer, but He ALWAYS answers EVERY prayer!

Paz, Amor, Unidad, Serenidad!
-Elder Jonesie

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