Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Monday, April 27, 2015

I Lost Count. 36! We Will Go With That! (*Mom didn't, it's 37 ;-D)

"And The Lord said, "Let there be a weird quirky post-adolescent nerd with a severe lack of melanin in his skin, and let him preach My gospel upon a small Frecca-infested Caribbean Island for two years". And there was Elder Jones. And The Lord saw that he was awkward, geeky and made random sarcastic comments at whim, and said, "It is good"."
...I was half-expecting a bolt of lightning to strike me as I wrote that. :D

I am going to be completely and whole-heartedly honest: I am freakishly exhausted. A huge part of that is due to the fact that I went hard-core in a game of Soccer for about three hours...without eating any breakfast or drinking any water. I later guzzled down three bottles of water, and nearly screamed with joy. WATER IS BEAUTIFUL. (And the game was fun too! I think I shed all fat from my body!)

I've a new comp, named Elder Peterson (I relaed such in the last General Email). He has two transfers less than I, and utilizes one of the purest forms of sarcasm I've ever seen. Apparently, this is the first time that two gringos have been in this area together for about two years. (Our Branch President keeps making jokes that they "whited-out" the area. Because we're white. [In all fairness, he's been making that joke since I first got here. :D ] Such is GREAT for our English Class!)

I don't really have any glorious stories this week about super awesome investigators; we're kind of struggling at the mo to find good investigators. Such is life, right? WE PRESS ON IN FAITH AND LOVE AND PEACE AND PROSPERITY AND TRANQUILITY AND UNITY AND HOPE AND HAPPINESS AND GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! *Double Fist Pump/Shuffle in Place*

And now, I must flopp away. OPTIMISM RULES!
-Elder Jonesie, as they call me.

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