Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Monday, March 23, 2015

32 And Lots of Stuff to Do! (Stupid...the names are getting worse... :D )

I shall be completely honest: that week was completely exhausting. Partially because our P-Day was shifted to today, so as to permit us to go to the TEMPLE!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! *Dances like The Doctor*
But yeah, the past few days, I´ve been completely exhausted. It´s amazing how much your body can come to rely on that one day of the week. Nevertheless, ¡VAMOS PA´LANTE! (The latter is a Dominican word consisting of ¨para¨ and ¨adelante¨. It translates basically to mean ¨we go forward¨.)
You know the best thing about extra long weeks? I remember even less than normal! I thought a quick check to my agenda would set things right, but nope...I can´t recall squat! Although, I DO recall DOING squats... ;P

All I can really say is that we´ve been working really hard this past week. At least I hope so; we come home exhausted every night! I´ve actually gotten really bad at writing in my journal because of such...I just zonk out! Really, it´s a testimony that God is giving us a bucketload of help, because there have been a few days in which I´ve thought, ¨Uh...how am I get through today?¨ But all has worked out. That´s another thing: our goal should not be just to get through today, but to completly and utterly dominate! Actually, when I´ve focused on such, the mornings have been a lot easier; I´ve gotten up without as much struggle. GLORIOUS!

Next week, I should hopefully have a cool story or something...heh heh. :D

Paz y amor!
-Elder Jones

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