Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Monday, March 9, 2015

30! ...Man, I'm getting OLD!

HallO! (That would be the way Freccas try to say "hello".) The time rolls like a Sumo Wrestler down a rather verticalized hill. (Have I used that analogy before?)

REGARDLESS! Big big news (again like the Sumo Wresteler)! Someone give me a drumroll...*faint drumroll is heard*...Thank you Ishmael.
That's right ladies and gentlemen, Elder Jones is getting shipped off to another location within the DR! Grab your SmartPhones and look up San Cristobal, because THAT'S where I'm going to be! (Specifically, San Cristobal, the area being known as Madre Vieja [Old Mother] North.)
My companion, Elder Serraty, is actually from the DR, so I'll be spending a lot of time speaking only Spanish (which is good; I strive to reach perfection ;D ).
OH! And here's the kicker: I'll actually be the companion with the most time in the mission. Elder Serraty has a month and a half less than I (if that's even possible). SO WACKY. SO BIZZARE. SO BEAUTIFUL. ;D

Anyway, because of the aforementioned, we've spent a bit of time heading around to people I've taught/members of the ward, so as to bid farewell. It's hard, actually. I've drawn to close to this land, to this people. And now, I'm heading off for a new adventure. Though the location will change, Villa will always stay close to my heart. *Sad french violin plays in the background*
Actually, speaking of French, I've considered dedicating time to try to learn that language too. It only took me 6 months to become fluent in Spanish, so why not French? :D I dunno, we'll see what goes down.

I'd a wonderful experience in Church the other day, when during a particularly reverent moment, The Lord brought to my notice the fruits of my labors here in Villa Altagracia, many of which were seated around me in the chapel. Pure joy and deep gratitude filled my heart, for I knew that my work here had been pleasing in the sight of The Lord. (This is not me bragging, just as a note. I'm 100% aware that everything I did was 1% me and 99% God. Actually, my percentage might be a little high. THE POINT REMAINS. :D )

When we meet again, I shall be in a mystical faraway land! (DK San Cristobal.) 

Adios mis amigos!
-Elder Jones

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