Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Monday, February 9, 2015

Subject: 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe; 3, 4, Shut The Front Door; ... 25, 26, This Song Makes Me Sick...

WEI WEI WEI THOU BEINGS OF THE WORLD BEYOND! How goeth the things of normality?

Hugs not Drugs! The problem is, as missionaries, we can't give hugs (torture for a huggy person like me), so the latter will have to do! ;D But in all seriousness, we were out contacting, when I said, "hey, we've never contacted that house over there!" So we went...and there was a Hooka machine out. It wasn't on, so we continued the contact, but after a time, I noted that the air still had a scent to it. From that point on, I devoted my attention to breathing out hard, so as to (hopefully) clear an air pocket. When we left, however, Elder Sullivan told me that he'd a large headache, and that things didn't quite make 100% sense in his head. ...Needless to say, the next time we passed by to teach, we made sure the machine wasn't anywhere around before deciding whether to teach or not.

We've a raise and a fall within the same week! IT'S A TWO FOR ONE SALE! There's a woman named Fior we've been teaching for a while who made the commitment to come to church next Sunday, and likewise promised to pray with regards to the truthfulness of our message. GLORIOUS! On the other end of the spectrum, we'd a family who was progressing insanely insanely insanely well...and we couldn't find them for the longest while. When I called to see where they were, I was told that they decided to join a different church, and they weren't going to be continuing with us. ...It...it hurt a little bit. I felt like I'd been dumped. Ouch. ...Ow...

One thing that's been fascinating to see is truly how much I've changed over the course of my mission. I look back to my first day (by means of a journal, muhahaha), and I can easily note the difference. It's wacky, really! The Lord is indeed refining me in these years of service. I'll get off the plane next year, and all the world will be like, "woah, who's this Angel?" And I'll say, "Angel is a good friend of mine. I prefer to be called...*pause for effect*...Elder Jones." And then a shockwave of awesomeness will ripple across the Fresno Airport. ;D

Quote of the week!
"There is a misconception about righteou people and wicked people with regards to life. Being rightous does not guarentee complete immunity to the difficulties of life, and nor does being wicked prevent such people from good fortune. The true difference, however, is that for the followers of God, all things work out for their benifit, be they soft or rought. Wickedness, however, only recives a growing tower of condemnation, regardless if their fortunes be good or ill."

And now, please insert you favorite credit music.
...Doo wee doo...
Paz afuera! (The literal translation of "Peace Out!")
-Elder Jones

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