Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Monday, February 16, 2015

27 Gifts of Valentine's Day!

And of course, by 27, I mean NONE. *Cries in a corner and eats Yogurt*
So, this last Valentine's Day, I was eagerly expecting a beautiful package from my girlfriend, when I realized rather sourly that I don't have one! ;)
But seriously, I actually didn't even realize that it was Valentine's Day until someone pointed it out. Our here, it's just sort of a normal day!

Speaking of not even realizing something until later, I've progressed with my Spanish to the point where at times I'll be speaking in Spanish, and not realize until afterwards that I was speaking in the Spanish tongue. THEY'RE CALLED MIRACLES, PEOPLE! AND I ONLY HAVE SIX FREAKING MONTHS (and three days) WITH THIS LANGUAGE!!! WOOOO!!!!

I've also received another blessing, and that is the dedication to exersize! Before the mission, I was always kind of indifferent and rather unmotivated to do such. In the mission, however, I've been blessed with a stronger resolve to do such. GLORIOUS!

One thing I'm still trying to hammer away at is my Time Management skills. They suck. We left our house a bit later than we should have to head to a Zone Meeting...one thing led to another...we got there an hour late...and President and Hermana Nuckols had randomly decided to visit our Zone that day. ...Yeah. It was a bit awkward. :D

YOUR WEEKLY CHALLENGE IS HERE! I desire to hear from all of some fantastic new recepies. I'm collecting down here, and my list grows. BUT I NEED MORE. I'm like an addict to recepies. ;D 

Paz y amor! -Elder Jones

And here's a photo of a beautiful tie burning! (It's a missionary tradition for the 6th Month mark.)

And I see fire...inside the mountain...or maybe the tie..."

Celebrating my "Bump" Day with Dominican Hamburgers/Soda!...Soda doesn't like me much...


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