Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Monday, December 15, 2014

Seventeen is A Teenage Dream! ...For Some, Anyway!

Grrreetings, Chespians! (Only members of C2H2 will understand such a name.)

Oh, how the days are like hours and the hours are like minutes! Many of you have heard the Missionary Cliché that "the time just flies by" or something like that (it took everything in my power to refrain from writing that in Spanish). The truth of the matter is, it does. This is due of course in part to the Mortal's concept of temporality, in which case the Present takes up a large and difinitive form. However, when applied to an external Four-Dimensional examination, the current moment in which we exist is literally nothing, and by such virtually impossible to pinpoint (like trying to skewer a gnat with a pin from 127 feet away in the middle of a hurricane). When the mind has less reference points to hold on to (or rather, more definitive recent memories to shape the past), or perception of temporality slows, hence causing the present to balloon in size. However, when more unique marks of passing temporality are applied, the conciousness becomes more streamlined, thus causing time to appear to have moved (or be moving) faster. Man, I am feeling GREAT today!

This last week has been a bucketload of traveling (insomuch that all of our funds dried up...we had to start living off of Personal Money for a few days [it's all good though; our reembursal is going to be HUGE!]). We'd a Christmas Conference this past Tuesday, in which half of the missionaries of this mission gathered together for a day of glory and celebration. While conversing with some of the Spanish Speaking Missionaries, I realized a bit of a humorsome fact: I can indeed speak/understand spanish extremly well. The problem is, I'm not yet fluent in Dominican. ;D

And then there were some random District/Zone meetings mixed in there...ah! But this last Friday, we'd the opportunity to take an investigating family to Santo Domingo for a Christmas Concert (that sounds weird in English). The music itself was beautiful, and the Spirit was even more so!

Ah, and at the aforementioned event, President Nuckols (the President of our Mission) told Elder Thibault and me that there's still a lack of Elders...so he and I are going to remain solo in Villa for six more weeks. Not too bad though, as Elder Thibault and I get along really well, and the house is more peaceful as a Two-Man. ...Except in the mornings, where we excersize like mad. :D

AH! And most recently! Earlier today, we popped down to Santo Domingo (just an hour and a half away) to see the Doctor Regan (the Doctor for the missionaries) with regards to an Ingrown Toenail that was trying to sneak into my fortress. All was resolved extremly quickly, so we walked around the Temple a bit, then ate at Pizza Hut...which was frankly bizzare. I kept having to remind myself I was in the DR.


Feliz Nuevo Semana!
-Elder Jones

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