Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

JonesMail!! SharkBait Hoo-Haha!

My brief time with Elder Chipana has now come to a close. He left to a faraway land called Bani, and another comes to take his place. But behold, it did come to pass that in those days, that one pale Elder stood in need of knowlege of the Mexican lands to the south of his homeland. And it did please The Lord to send him one from those very lands to teach him in those glorious arts.
And it was good.
My new comp´s name is Elder Zapata, and he is indeed from Mexico!

He wants us as we are. It doesn´t matter how broken or tattered we may be or feel, He wants us with Him. I´ve learned that a lot this last week.

-Élder Jones

1: Just an angel. Whatever.
2: Farewell is such sweet sorrow...
3: Note how my Stormtrooper is shooting the others.
4: That is me. And a sandwich. Made of shark. I´m eating a shark. Take that, Jaws.

Monday, February 1, 2016

JonesMail! ¨For the First Time in Foreverrrrr...¨

Freak! Febuary is already here! Dang it! I´m not prepared for this. The season of little rodents poking their heads out of the ground / commercialized affection (that´s a weird combo) is UPON US!!!!

I´ve also decided that when I get home, I´m going to do a weekly or bi-weekly vlog. It´d be so much easier than this written junk. Actual effort? HEELLOOO, we live in the days of technology! WE´RE ´MERICA!!! We do things the lazy way!!!! ;D

Okay, so I haven´t sent one of these weekly emails for a while...my bad. Time is a herb that grows not in my garden (ponder on that for a while).

Things have been pretty normal around here. We´d a glorious Zone Conference with Élder Maynes of the Presidency of the Seventy (doctrina PROFUNDA!). He expounded on the work and several tools we can use to help the work progress. 

We´ve faced quite a bit of rejection this week. In such, I found myself thinking, ¨Father, why don´t they recive me? Why don´t they understand? Why can´t they see that you sent me here to guide them to you? Why do they reject me? Why don´t they listen? Why can´t they see?¨
After pondering over such for a time, a thought came to me, which whispered, ¨Father, why don´t they recive me? Why don´t they understand? Why can´t they see that you sent me here to guide them to you? Why do they reject me? Why don´t they listen? Why can´t they see?¨  I then realized that these exact same feelings and frustrations were a portion of those that bore Jesus Christ as he hung on Calvary. How can I become more like Christ? I have to bear a portion of what he bore. I´ve found strength and comfort in such, and I´ve come to love Him more deeply.

I´ve decided to focus more on Preaching with the Book of Mormon. It´s the keystone of our Religion, so why not the keystone of our work? If the people can find out for themselves that the book of blue is true as true, then they´ll know that everything else is true too.

¡Sigamos Pues!
-Élder Jones

Pic: ¨Don´t worry, be happy.¨