Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Thursday, August 21, 2014

MK's "official" first email

    Bueno! Mi vida esta muy excellente! In all honesty, I've learned more spanish here in a week that I ever learned taking in for four years in school. SPIRITUAL POWER PUNCH!!!
    I'm still adjusting a bit; I'm surrounded by Dominicans with smiles as big as the plantains that grow here, so it's a bit of a different culture! But it's still cool!
    Well, I'm sharing a room with my companion, Elder Harsh, along with Elders' Smith and Parker (that would be the giant [6'9"!!!]). All three are Utah Momos, from somewhat the same area. Elder Parker actually is from Spanish Fork, but he doesn't remember anyone with the last name Degraw. Oh well, it's a big small town. :D
     On Saturday, I was dominating at Ultimate Frisbee, utilizing all the divine energy that flowed through my currently mortal form. As one of my teachers here would say, I had opened the First Gate. (Long story. There's eight gates of cosmic power that let him be awesome and energized [like an Avatar type of deal], but if he opens the eighth gate, he dies. He's a really entertaining teacher who loves Pokemon, Avatar, and Good Luck Charlie.) However, as my power drained, it receded too quickly from my left foot, making me unbalanced. As the crowd screamed in horror, I went down, and stepped on my foot weird. A thunderous jolt ran through my body, and my left foot suddenly refused to bear any weight. For the next few days, I rode everywhere in a wheeled-chair, so as to keep pressure off my foot. On Tuesday, Ultimate Frisbee begged me to rejoin her, so, like a gentleman, I played wheelchair Frisbee. (Great arm workout!) That night, I received a blessing from the Elders I room with, and my foot thereafter recovered thrice as quickly as it normally does. MIRACLES!!!
     My Spanish has improved like the food at...umm...actually, to be honest, the food has either gotten worse or stayed the same at every restaurant I can think of. But yeah! It's increased dramatically! The spirit has empowered me with a greater ability to comprehend language! Already, I've learned more in a single week than I ever did in my four years of Spanish classes! MIRACLES AGAIN!!!
    The people are indeed scrumdidlilishiously friendly, and the roads don't have speed limits! At least, the highways don't...
    Today was a temple day for us, so my second temple trip EVAR was in another country! Hah! Woo! I'll try to find a time/way to send pictures and whatnot but I cannot seem to remember where my cable is! If I have one! Oh well! If all else fails, I'll be sending an SD card home!
    Money is fine (although quite beautiful), and the food is DA BOMB.
    Love you all, and I shall return next week! Tell your friends I said "hi", and give someone a hug for me! The gospel is true! God lives!
Peace, Love, Unity, Serenity!

 -Elder Jones

And tell Sydney that my scarves better be SPOTLESS! ;D

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