Elder Jones is currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To learn more about what a mission is, visit www.lds.org

Monday, November 23, 2015

JonesMail...well, no.

Sorry y´alls...I´m out of time. BUT! I do want to tell you chaps about the experiences we had this last week...so...TUNE IN THIS SAME TIME NEXT WEEK TO FIND OUT! (Ooops.)

Peace, Love, Unity, Serenity!
-Élder Jones



Monday, November 16, 2015

JonesMail!!! Conferences and Contacting

I´ve been pondering a lot lately about creating completely unique Superheros with under-appreciated powers. For example,
THE GREEN THUMB. One bound at the heart with nature, The Green Thumb wields the power to control and manipulate blades of grass. It sounds lame at first...UNTIL HE MAKES A GIANT SUPER SIZED GRASS ARMY. Think about it.
GAS GUZZLER. There are some superheros that can shoot water or fire or webs out of their hands. Gas Guzzler shoots gasoline. BOOM BOOM BAD GUYS! Also, he can drive a car indefinetly, as HE WILL NEVER RUN OUT OF GAS. BRILLIANT.
PLASTOID. You´ve heard of airbenders and waterbenders? Well this guy is a PLASTICBENDER. ENOUGH SAID.

Well, like the subject line clearly states, we´d a conference this week. ZONE CONFERENCE, BABY!!! Élder Zivic was sort of the highlighting speaker in such, which was rather glorious (he has such a cool voice...). The focus was (logically) on being better, more effective missionaries. We´ve a goal/guide type thing called ¨The Pulse¨, which carries the end goal of to souls converted a month: one reactivation, and one baptism.
To achieve such, three items are needed (it´s dangerous to go alone):
1. Faith
2. Work
3. Obedience
The fruits of such are the results of ¨The Pulse¨ itself, as well as the Spirit, and, in all truth, miracles (which are indeed necessary as a missionary).
So, my final dedication: work like crazy, work like crazy, and work like crazy. Likewise, I´m trying to hit exact obedience so as to be able to enjoy all of the blessings that follow with such.

We´ve done a bit of contacting this week (also mentioned in the subject line), and so far, we´ve found a few potentials. And a few freccas. But, we´re focusing on those that are interested in the GOSPEL, and not in us. :D
We shall see how these new people progress!

One of the two people that got baptized in September (Morelia, to be precise) received a calling this last Sunday! She´s progressing super well and is in truth very dedicated. WOO!

This next week is to be rather fascinating indeed! We shall drink from the fount of joy and joyness. Huzzah, my dear chaps. Huzzah indeed.

Peace, Love, Unity, Serenity!
-Élder Jones 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

JonesMail! The Weird and The Wacky.

For those of you who are super crazy followers of ¨MKzing¨, no, I am not about to write about an under development internet series featuring MK clones and the supernatural. (I still want to work with that though.) Rather, this week has been a bit weird and a touch wacky.

Alright, so it´s only been weird in the sense that we´ve not been able to work a whole lot this week, which has kind of thrown us off a tad. 
Sunday: We worked.
Monday: It was P-Day. Hallelujah.
Tuesday: We left San Juan to head to the Capital for a Trainers Conference Wednesday morning.
Wednesday: We had the aforementioned conference.
Thursday: WORK!!! GLORY.
Friday: We´d a meeting which kind of chopped off half our day.
Saturday: We´d the whole International Mormon Helping Hands thing (did you guys do that too?), in which we raised awareness for a disease called Dengue. The service project was cool, but it sliced our day in half. No worries!

It´s truly heaetbreaking when people reject our message. How can we help them to understand that this is something different, something new? How can we help them to recognize us as servants of the Lord Jesus Christ? How can we help them to feel the divinity of our message?
Regardless, we press on.

Also, we found a freaking Golden Family. GLORY. If all is well, we shall teach them upon the morrow!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEW!

That´s all I´ve enscribed for thee! Peace out.

Peace, Love, Unity, Serenity!
-Élder Jones